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Infertility in Indian Scenario: Incidence and Causes PowerPoint Presentation

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Infertility in Indian Scenario: Incidence and Causes Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - 1 _ _ Infertility In Indian Scenario: Incidence And Causes The general rate of infertility in India is 10-15 % for reproductive-aged couples. Since India has a very high population of around 1.3 billion, this means that the number of infertility patients in India compared to other countries is significantly high. The rise of infertility in the Indian population involves many factors, including changes in lifestyle, stress, and the recent trend of delaying marriage and pregnancy (for reasons related to careers). Also, females tend to ignore symptoms of pelvic infections leading to permanent loss of functioning of fallopian tubes, leading to infertility. The Indian National Family Health Survey found that infertility rates were highest in women living in urban areas as women are attempting pregnancy at older ages when women are less biologically fertile. Infertility is caused by female factors in one-third of the patients, malefactors in another one thirds and combined male and female factors in remaining one third. The most common causes of infertility in India are sperm abnormalities (fewer sperm counts and motility) leading to male factor infertility, and in women, a hormone condition called polycystic ovarian disease or polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOD/PCOS. Other important causes are blocked fallopian tubes which may be due to past infections, tuberculosis,
Slide 2 - 2 endometriosis, surgeries etc. In 10-15 % of all infertile couples, there is no cause found for infertility on routine investigations, such cases are called unexplained infertility. If you want to know more click here IVF Hospital in Jaipur. Source _ _ Vasundhara Hospital & Fertility Research Centre B-9 (D), Govind Marg, Adarsh Nagar, Jaipur,Rajasthan 302004, India 9001421404 info@vasundharafertility.com http://vasundharafertility.com/